Friday, August 6, 2010

Dinner for Schmucks in a Nutshell

You know those comedies that come out every so often that, though very stupid, are hilarious? Some examples are "Napoleon Dynamite", "Nacho Libre", and the best of all..."Dumb and Dummer." Well "Dinner for Schmucks definitely fits in to that category. With the mix of Steve Carell's crazy character, his many mice-art collections, and an IRS worker who thinks he has the power of mind control, this movie conatins some of the weirdest, most random things that could all be together in a film. But, sometimes that's just what a good comedy needs.
When Tim (Paul Rudd) needs a promotion, his boss says that the only way he can get it is if he comes to a dinner. Now this is no ordinary dinner because each guest must bring someone that all the other guests can make fun of. For example: a lady who can talk to dead animals or someone that thinks his wife is a ventriloquist doll. Well when Tim meets Barry, who collects stuffed mice and puts them together in different scenes like "The Last Supper," Tim believes he has found his fool. But when he starts to spend a little more time with Barry, a friendship starts to grow and Tim might realize he was wrong about his new pal.
Bottom line...this film made me laugh almost the entire two hours. Slapstick comedy, funny lines, or just downright "so stupid it's funny" elements were scattered throughout the movie and it's probably one of the funniest films I've seen this year.

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