Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Week of October 24th

  1. Max Payne-17.6M
  2. Beverly Hills Chihuahua-11.4M
  3. Secret Life of Bees-10.5M
  4. W.-10.5M
  5. Eagle Eye-7.0M

-There's a whole string of Marvel Comic Movie Related news this week.

  1. Daniel Craig(James Bond) turned down the roll of Thor this week. What! This roll offered so many movies including the saga itself, and the Avengers. He would have gotten lots of money and publicity for this role. Oh well. Daniel Craig doesn't look like a Thor kinda guy anyway.
  2. Samuel Jackson has revealed that he will be back for Iron Man two. That's awesome because we'll get to know S.H.E.I.L.D. a little more before avengers come out in 2011. Sam Jackson is a good actor as well so it's fun to watch him a play such an awesome character.
  3. The Incredible Hulk came out on DVD today(Tuesday) and there is lots of buzz on the Captain America cameo seen in the alternate opening of the film. Apparently you can see Cap frozen in ice along with his shield when Hulk rampages through Alaska. BUT, be ready for this cameo because it goes by really fast and is a distance away from the camera.

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