Sunday, June 7, 2009

Land of the Lost

Even in the summer all movies can't be entertaining. Land of the Lost, a movie adaption of an old TV show, is more than a perfect example of this. Will Ferrell stars in this supposed comedy about three people getting transported to another dimension. What the movie boils down to however, is a mess that doesn't make any sense and the only thing that kept me from leaving the theater was Ferrel who made this movie somewhat enjoyable.

In this film, we see a has-been scientist named Rick Marshall who has created a device that allows people to travel to another dimension that he comes to name, the Land of the Lost. Dragged alongside him in this disaster are his assistant Holly(Anna Friel) and a brainless survivalist(Danny McBride) named Will. In this land they find primates, lizard-like creatures, and dinosaurs that run around at any given moment. The group proceed to try and find the device that got them stuck in the crazy land and get out as fast as they can.

The big flaw with this film is that it just is not funny at all. I never gave a big laugh the whole film with the exception of one of the last lines of the film. What the makers of the film probably wanted to seem funny, actually was incredibly cheesy. At select times in the film, the only reason I laughed, was because of the cheesiness. Lizard-like creatures...really? I don't see why anyone would find that entertaining especially because they looked like Halloween outfits.

The other problem with this film(which has been a problem with many films this summer) is that the plot is a complete mess. So many things in Lost were so random that by the end of the film, nothing made sense. For example, in the middle of the film, a secondary plot was tossed in that also was very cheesy. NO! This film is already having trouble maintaining the original plot so why did it toss in another one? There are too many factors to comprehend and they are all jammed into 90 minutes of a film.

The acting is on the borderline of not good and OK. The acting doesn't allow me to see character development and so I never get to truly know the characters besides the fact that they are all losers who get sucked into a vortex. By the end of the film I am left thinking the characters losers because the movie doesn't do a good job at connecting me with them.

So sadly, Will Ferrel fails to entertain in this crazy comedy that is Land of the Lost. Fans of the old TV show may be slightly entertained but for me, watching the film made me feel like I ordered a grande nacho cheese platter without the chips. 1 out of 5.

Land of the Lost has a running time of 1 hour and 33 minutes and is rated PG-13 for crude and sexual content, and for language including a drug reference.

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