Saturday, April 10, 2010

Casting Call: The First Avenger Captain America

It seems that things are coming together for Marvel's last movie before the main attraction hitting theaters in 2012 that is the Avengers. After this summer's Iron Man 2 and next summers Thor, Marvel will release one more film about the leader of the super hero team that consists of Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Nick Fury, Black Widow, and the leader himself...Captain America. Major casting for The First Avenger: Captain America been announced throughout this past month. The role of Cap's sidekick, Bucky Barnes, will be played by Sebastian Stan (Gossip Girls). The role of the villain, the Nazi general named The Red Skull, will be played by Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith from the Matrix saga). Last but certainly not least, Captain America will be played by a man that has already been part the Marvel Universe...Chris Evans. Most will know Evans from his role as The Human Torch from the Fantastic Four films. I'm liking these casting decisions so far (except for Stan since I've never heard of him.) The film itself will center around WW2 and feature the super hero team, The Invaders. In the original comics, the Invaders included Cap, Namor, and an older version of the Human Torch. I expect that the end of the film will show how Captain America gets frozen and survives till present day where he is found by Nick Fury to lead the Avengers.

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