The summer movie season of 2014 has unfortunately ended. While this summer's box office couldn't reach the heights of last year (there was nothing close to the $1 billion grossing Iron Man 3), that didn't mean there weren't any good films. Quite the opposite actually, this summer had plenty of memorable films that I can't wait to buy when they are released this fall/winter. But which films are the essential summer movies that you should be picking up? After some thinking I narrowed it down to six movies that I believe to be the best films of the summer (in no particular order).
X-Men: Days of Future Past

You do need to have some familiarity with past films in the X-Men franchise to fully appreciate this movie, but even on its own, Bryan Singer has made a grand return to the series by crafting a complex, well-acted, and compelling action film.
Days of Future Past boasts and incredible ensemble cast and combines both nods to the original trilogy and seeds that will grow in the future films
. X-Men: Apocalypse is coming out in 2016 and will see the return of James Macavoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Evan Peters, and Hugh Jackman, and Channing Tatum is joining the team as the fan-favorite mutant, Gambit. I can't wait!
22 Jump Street

No one asked for a comedic remake of the 80's buddy cop show, but it happened anyway...and it was huge.
21 Jump Street was without a doubt the best comedy of the year (and of the last couple years) and made an impressive amount of money, meaning that a sequel was inevitable. Usually comedy sequels are a mess, but
22 Jump Street is a rare and delightful exception. Many have said it even tops the original (I'd have to see it again to decide) but one thing is for sure, the comedic chemistry between Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill is perfect. Add in a larger role for Ice Cube, more action, and hilarious ongoing commentary about the cliché Hollywood sequel, and you have one hilarious film (and perhaps the greatest end credits ever seen
). 23 Jump Street has just been confirmed, so I'm eager to see it lightning can strike a third time with this great comedy series.

The reaction to this movie was mixed. Many were upset that there wasn't enough action in the film, and that we didn't see enough action. I loved how we actually had to wait to get to see what we wanted (a monster death-battle). The suspense that builds through the movie is great, and because of this, the first time we see Godzilla in all his glory is such an epic moment. Today we have so many action films that just want to shove as many action scenes and explosions in our face as possible, without giving any thought to the story (
Transformers 4).
Godzilla is the antithesis of those films, and it is what more action films should try to be like (watch
Pacific Rim too).
The Purge Anarchy
This one was such a pleasant surprise for me. I didn't love
The Purge last year, but I didn't hate it either. It had an interesting premise, but wasted it by only focusing on the events on just one house. That mistake was corrected with the sequel, where we get to see the effects of the annual Purge throughout the streets of a big city. We also get another great performance by Frank Grillo, who really needs to be in more movies. His character is someone we can sympathize with and root for (unlike Ethan Hawke's character in the first film). If you aren't a horror movie person, don't worry. While the film might be (falsely?) advertised as a scary movie, its nothing of the sort. You may be able to classify it as a thriller, but I would just call it one wild action film that has a very 80's feel to it. Give
The Purge series a second chance with this movie, you will be glad that you did.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

This film was also a surprise to me. I was a fan of the prequel with James Franco that was released in 2011, but I wasn't quite sure just how good, or how bad, this second film would be. Turns out it is a
very superior sequel in every way. I was mesmerized by the stunning motion capture performance of Andy Serkis as Caesar, every time he spoke it was captivating and even intimidating. There are plenty of films out there with talking animals, but "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" makes sure that every time an ape speaks, you are just as shocked and intrigued as the humans in the film are. Pair that with perhaps the most realistic CGI seen in film yet, breathtaking action sequences, and some serious social commentary, "Dawn" is definitely my 2nd favorite film of the year so far, falling closely behind the last film on this list...
Guardians of the Galaxy
To quote the poster..."You're Welcome"
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